Berkeley Regional Training Center


Berkeley, CA

MW Studios conducted the master planning and design for Berkeley’s forthcoming Public Safety Training Center, covering an expansive 3-acre site. This comprehensive facility is strategically designed to meet the diverse training needs of public safety professionals. The campus includes a technologically equipped classroom building for theoretical instruction and an instruction building facilitating hands-on practical training sessions.

Essential features encompass a helipad supporting helicopter operations, a confined space trainer, and an Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) area for simulating urban emergencies. Storage facilities ensure the secure housing of equipment, while a dedicated training tower enables the simulation of varied rescue scenarios. The site boasts drafting pits for water supply training, a vehicle extrication pad, and a training pad for versatile exercises. Vehicle storage is integrated to maintain the readiness of emergency response vehicles. Moreover, a specialized flashover training facility enhances the preparedness of firefighters for high-risk situations.

MW Studios is committed to delivering an exemplary Public Safety Training Center that stands as a premier hub for the training and development of Berkeley’s public safety professionals.

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