In today’s era, public safety is increasingly more critical. The ability to respond to events ranging from a regional natural disaster to a single motor vehicle collision is essential to ensure the safety of our communities. The design of a police station requires a high level of expertise to develop an enduring building that optimizes preparedness, ensures responder safety, and promotes operational efficiency. The world around us is ever-changing, and as architects and responders, we continually educate ourselves and enhance our facilities to protect the health, safety, and wellbeing of our communities.
Augusta Police Headquarters
Cecil County Sheriff’s Office
Kitty Hawk Public Safety Facility
Maryland State Police – Cumberland Barrack C
Maryland State Police – Berlin Barrack V
Mt. Airy Police Department
North Providence Public Safety Complex
Perryville Police Station
Philadelphia Police 15th District
St. Mary’s County Sheriff Station
Timnath Police Station
Wicomico County Public Safety Building
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MW Studios personally guided us through the process of transforming an idea into something real. Their attention to detail and knowledge of public safety operations would benefit any department.
Captain Michael J. Berna, Baltimore County Fire Department