Caribou Maine Police Department


Aroostook County, MA

Project Type

Law Enforcement

In 2020, MW Studios, in collaboration with Artifex A/E of Bangor, Maine, worked to address the needs of the City of Caribou, Maine’s Police Department. Facing the challenges of an aging and undersized facility fraught with safety and security risks, our partnership conducted a thorough needs assessment and site selection study. Together with the City and the Police Department, we diligently explored four potential locations within city limits, considering options for renovation or new construction. After a rigorous evaluation, it became evident that constructing a new police station along US-Rt 1 corridor would offer the best value, positioning it as a gateway to the city and the foundation for a campus-like environment capable of accommodating not only the police department but other public safety and community agencies.

Today, MW Studios and Artifex are on the cusp of finalizing the design for this project, a new 17,000 square-foot, multi-story police station that represents the first phase of a new municipal campus. This facility is poised to serve the city and the department for generations to come, embodying the very best practices associated with the design of modern law enforcement buildings.

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